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Kamis, 14 Maret 2013

Time Management Urgency

Why time management is so important? The most important reason is because of the time we will never go back. Once passed, never to return again. For that we have to really optimize the time we have. If I missed it without meaning and we will never have it again.

Now is now, as opposed to yesterday and tomorrow. You only have one chance to take advantage of the current time. Because tomorrow is different, tomorrow is a chance to make the most of tomorrow (if any age).

The second reason is about the value of time. Every time elapsed has value. If you are a waste of time, then you are wasting value. Westerners say time is money, this is true if we're talking business or make a living. If you laze for a living means spend money just like that. Then you complain, when you own a missed opportunity that God has given you.

In the context of worship, time is a reward. When you pass the time without a reward, you are wasting an opportunity to get the reward, but the time will never come back. The opportunity to use it only one time.

Selasa, 12 Maret 2013

Earth Hour 2013 Sustainable Lifestyle

Earth Hour 2013  Sustainable Lifestyle
By: Ciptanti Princess
Jakarta, February 28, 2013. Indonesia Earth Hour Campaign this year has started since February 22 and is scheduled dipungkasi on 22 April 2013, to coincide with the celebration of Earth Day. Media Briefing of the action with the support of Indonesia's largest mass was held yesterday at the restaurant "Lucy In The Sky" at SCBD Area, Jakarta. The event was held in order to introduce an action agenda that will be held throughout the 60 days leading to the implementation of Earth Hour 2013, as well as a means of exchanging information and ideas among the crews of the media, bloggers, and activists and supporters of the Campaign EH in the greater Jakarta area.
The event was hosted by the Verena Puspawardani, Campaign Coordinator of WWF-Indonesia Climate Program. When opening the session, Verena expressed admiration and pride to the achievements of the 2012 EH Campaign is working with activists and supporters EH spread across 28 cities in Indonesia. He continued to encourage and challenge them to do better and more in the upcoming campaign. Moreover, now has recorded 500's communities and 31 municipalities declared themselves to participate in the campaign. Verena invites the public to join the campaign is rich with meaning enroll in page
Meanwhile, Nyoman Iswarayoga, Climate and Energy Program Director, WWF-Indonesia, the next opportunity for commitment and support throughout penggiatn EH Campaign to continue and disseminate energy-saving lifestyle. Among other things, turning off electrical appliances when not needed, using public transportation, conserving tissue and paper, and recycling of waste, especially in reducing the use of plastic. Of the four expected behavior triggers a reduction in global warming emissions.
Earth Hour campaign known as motion energy savings by turning off lights simultaneously evolved into actions wider. Proponents of EH form communities in each city, and create their own actions and campaigns that are responsive to the needs in their area. WWF-Indonesia, which became the initiator of the campaign did not stop giving support and develop actions to follow up the movement.
One of the new programs initiated in response to EH Campaign is a program of "MyBabyMangrove". In the occasion that day Fresh Water, Forest and Terrestrial Species Programme Director, WWF-Indonesia, Anwar Purwoto, explained the background of the mangrove tree planting donation program that will be implemented at an early stage in the Muara Gembong, Bekasi.
Anwar claimed that mangrove forests in Indonesia in 2002 had amounted to 8.5 million hectares, is the largest forest cover in the world. In the past 10 years is now reportedly reduced width about 5m ha. "And if we lose 1 hectare of mangrove forests, emissions equivalent to the loss of 3-5 hectares of forest land," he said. Moreover, mangrove forests can withstand the intrusion of sea water into the ground, providing a source of clean water, as well as a habitat for some animals, such as shrimp, crab, fish, and even birds. "Planting mangroves in Muara Gembong to start replanting the coastal area of ​​Java." Individual Donations to the program can already be done online by accessing the site and contact existing contact center.
On another occasion, said that the campaign EH Verena growing and spreading behavior directed at pro-environmentally friendly lifestyle. When one asks the media present the greatest achievements of the Campaign EH, Nyoman said that not only the quantity of electric load reduction as indicators of success campaign. However, the greatest achievement is the growing participation of the city grew, from 1 cities in the implementation of EH Campaign 2009, up to 31 cities at the beginning of the Campaign EH 2013. Moreover, the development of eco-friendly lifestyle and the effects of infection by supporters of EH. "The impact of that is the greatest achievement EH Campaign," said Nyoman, shared by Verena.
The event concluded with an afternoon of reflection and testimony of the activist campaign in Greater Jakarta EH and films aired on Campaign EH action. Aji Galih, coordinator of Action Earth Hour, explicitly states that EH Campaign is the biggest movement in Indonesia due to the fact able to engage 1 million volunteers to come turn off the power at 22 April. In addition, the Campaign EH impact on changes in attitudes, behavior, and mindset for the people and the communities joined in the Community EH.
"In 2013 EH Campaign has recorded 500 communities and 31 municipalities are committed to participate. Every day there will be no action of the campaign, from Aceh to Makassar, for 30 days prior to March 23, "said Aji. Still there are local actions, such as the initiation of car-free-day in Yogyakarta, rescue Babakan Siliwangi in Bandung, energy efficiency in Bali, and others.
Meanwhile, Goenawan Suparman, Tangerang EH Coordinator, gave testimonials about how at first the team encountered many challenges Tangerang EH run campaigns. But in a way, even EH Tangerang own success and even now the local government partners in some energy savings based programs.

Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

2013, Indonesia Order Top 21 Growth

2013, Indonesia Order Top 21 Growth
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Indonesia is projected to be in the order of 21 in the ranks of the 29 countries with the highest economic growth in 2013 and 2014 in the Semi-Annual Report of the World Bank's Global Economic Prospects. Most countries on the list are classified as frontier markets (emerging) that have very low GDP.
Of the 29 countries, 16 are located in Africa, 7 located in Southeast Asia, 3 located in Central Asia, 2 in Latin America and the Middle East. 9 countries rely on oil exports, while the 5 countries dependent on the export of gold and jewels.
Tourism industry to industry relied upon by the five countries in this list. Meanwhile, agriculture is still the main economic livelihood five countries in this list. Only three countries in this list to join the G-20.
The first rank is occupied by Iraq with projected GDP growth of 13.1 percent in 2013 and 11 percent in 2014. 90 percent of Iraqi government revenue comes from oil exports. The construction sector is also expected to be a booster of economic growth due to Iraq being reorganize itself after the conquest of the United States.
The second rank was occupied by the Sierra Leone who rely on mining and gems. Two of the world's economic giants, China and India respectively in third and eleventh in the list.
Laos is projected to become the country with the highest economic growth in Southeast Asia in 2013 with growth of 7.6 percent. Although Laos income levels are low, but the growth goes fairly quickly as a result of foreign investment and infrastructure investment.
Indonesia's economy itself is expected to grow 6.5 percent in 2013 and 6.3 percent in 2014. Bank Indonesia assessing the financial sector grew quite well and encourage economic growth. In 2012, the World Bank estimates that Indonesia's economic growth reached 6 percent government target Indonesian economy grew by 6.5 percent.

Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

Economic prospects for 2013 and 2014

Economic prospects for 2013 and 2014
In the event Overview Prospects for Economic and National Development, Program Leader Staff College BI batch-30, Monday (03/9), the Minister of Planning / Head of Bappenas, Prof. Dr. Armida S. Alisjahbana, said that Indonesia's economic prospects for the year 2013-2014 will be better than in 2012. In the macroeconomic framework RPJMN 2010-2014, pursued economic growth in 2014 could grow to 7 percent. While up to the second quarter of 2012, Indonesia's economic growth of about 6 percent. Meanwhile, the GDP per capita in 2013 is expected to reach USD 3445 and in 2014 is targeted to be increased again to $ 3811.Target increase in GDP is expected to be achieved by targeting a reduction in the unemployment rate to 5-6 percent and the poverty rate to be at least 8-10 percent in 2014. Until the second quarter of 2012, the unemployment rate from 6.7 to 7.0 percent and the poverty rate in the range of 10.5 to 11.5 percent. National poverty rate is expected to be lowered again in the range of 9.5 to 10.5 percent in 2013.Economic growth, according to Minister of Planning / Head of Bappenas, driven by private consumption is a major component of domestic demand and investment as well as exports of goods and services. The increase in consumption will occur when the purchasing power of the people, therefore should be pursued controlling inflation and ensuring the availability of basic commodities. RPJMN In 2010-2014, the average consumption of 5.3 to 5.4 percent it is clear Mrs. Armida. As described earlier, the economic growth was also driven by the growth rate of exports. Some factors that can support the growth of exports, among other things, a need to increase access to international markets, especially non-traditional markets, improving the quality and diversification of export products and increase export facilities, explained Mrs. Armida.
Associated with decreased levels of unemployment and poverty levels, improved labor quality. It is seen from the structure of formal employment means increased during the period 2010-2012. In 2012, the structure of formal workers rose to 37.2 percent. This number is up significantly compared to 2011 by 34.2 percent and in 2009 by 30.5 percent. An increasing number of formal workers was accompanied by an increase in non-farm labor structure which in 2011 reached 62 percent, but in 2012 it rose to 63.5 percent. At the same time, Mrs. Armida also touched on the role of schemes Master Plan for Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia's Economic Development (MP3EI) in the Indonesian economy. It is said that MP3EI will encourage increased investment in Indonesia. Indication of the value of the investment by the greatest investor is coming from the private sector by 49 percent, while 12 percent of the government.Furthermore, he said the slowdown in the world economy and the increasingly serious world economic recovery is not as strong as in 2010 and 2011, Indonesia's economic growth target may need to be adjusted, especially on the export side, which in the year 2012 level of 1.8 percent of Indonesia's exports. Expected in 2013 and then increased to 8.5 percent in 2014 to 12 per cent target. With this adjustment, the base of Indonesia's economic growth in 2012 to 6.3 percent in 2013 to 6.6 percent and to 6.9 percent in 2014.

Sabtu, 05 Januari 2013

Salak Island entertainment center new year

Kotabaru (ANTARA News) - The beach at Pulau Salak in District Kusan Downstream, Tanah Seasonings, South Kalimantan, became the center of a new vacation spot year 2013 for domestic and international travelers.
Monitoring AFP on Tuesday, the white sandy beaches are crowded with overgrown evergreen tens of thousands of visitors who want to enjoy the beauty of the island beaches Salak.
They come from different parts of Borneo, there are even some of them tourists from foreign countries.
Hundreds of tents were using plastic sheeting constructed colorful visitors since Monday (31/12) ahead of New Year celebrations.
Along the shoreline filled with building a tent to rest and where the vendors sell.
Besides enjoying the beauty of white sandy beaches nan, visitors are also treated to entertainment by featuring a dangdut singer who is no stranger.
Density beachgoers felt by users Trans Kalimantan, as thousands of four-wheeled vehicles and two-wheeler parked along the road around the coast.
As a result, users of the Trans Borneo forced to reduce the speed of the vehicle along the beach on the island of Salak.
Dozens of police and kintas as to regulate the flow of traffic on the line, so that road users can still continue the journey and uninterrupted activity Salak Island.
Meanwhile, the number of visitors looking to avoid officers who collect tickets at the entrance, with a passing bush.
"Given these conditions, the local government must prepare the next parking area, more broadly, in order to more freely enjoy leisure visitors and traffic flow remains smooth without any obstacles," said a Hanafi road users.
Not only that, the local government especially the Department of Tourism in the future should really prepare a sufficient guard booth, to minimize the naughty diners do not want to pay the ticket.
Editor: Tasrief Tarmizi

Jumat, 04 Januari 2013

Economy Indonesia

Finance Minister: Economy Indonesia So Number Two Worlds
Author: Educate Purwanto | Friday, January 4, 2013 | 16:42 pm

JAKARTA, - Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo admits she still optimistic Indonesia is still able to achieve the economic growth during the 2012 level of 6.3 percent. If that happens, the Indonesian economy to be second highest in the world.

"We are optimistic that Indonesia's economy in 2012 could reach 6.3 percent. Given that, maybe Indonesia is the country with the best economic growth in the number two in the world," Agus said when met at the Ministry of Finance Jakarta, Friday (04/01/2013) .

According to Agus, China still leads the possible attainment of economic growth in the world. Then followed by Indonesia and then India and Brazil below. In order to achieve these targets, the government is also optimistic economic upliftment Indonesia during the fourth quarter of 2012 is expected to rise 6.1 to 6.4 percent.

"So the national economy remains 6.3 percent on an annual basis. Was that made us optimistic," he added.

Agus also said that in order to achieve economic growth, the government should also realize substantial budget in late 2012. So that it will take sustain domestic economic growth.

As for the absorption of the government budget, Agus considers still below the target or only 4.4 percent below budget targets. So that it expects government spending was really on target and could provide added value.

editor: A. Wisnubrata