Anoa, a type of dwarf cattle that live in the tropical forests of Sulawesi. Anoa have different names according to ethnic groups. In Minahasa and surrounding anoa called Buulu Tutu, Tutu and Gorontalo Bandogo called Cow Utan, Dangko or Langkau. In the middle of Sulawesi tribe called Kaili Nuua and Dampelas called Baulu. Ethnic Kulawi in the highlands of Central Sulawesi named Lupu, in Buol Toli-Toli anoa named Bukuya. In southeastern Sulawesi, in the local language Tolaki, anoa known Kadue. In the area around Lake Matano Malili including calling people by name Anuang anoa. In the Indonesian language, this species is known as anoa, but there is also a call cows or cows dwarf forest (Mustari, 2003).
Anoa, a type of dwarf cattle that live in the tropical forests of Sulawesi. Anoa have different names according to ethnic groups. In Minahasa and surrounding anoa called Buulu Tutu, Tutu and Gorontalo Bandogo called Cow Utan, Dangko or Langkau. In the middle of Sulawesi tribe called Kaili Nuua and Dampelas called Baulu. Ethnic Kulawi in the highlands of Central Sulawesi named Lupu, in Buol Toli-Toli anoa named Bukuya. In southeastern Sulawesi, in the local language Tolaki, anoa known Kadue. In the area around Lake Matano Malili including calling people by name Anuang anoa. In the Indonesian language, this species is known as anoa, but there is also a call cows or cows dwarf forest (Mustari, 2003).
Anoa is even hoofed animals, the shape resembles the head of the cow's head, horns leads to the rear. Height ranges from 69 cm to 106 cm. Currently, there are two types of anoa (Bubalus spp.) As we know, the Lowland Anoa (Bubalus depressicornis) and Mountain Anoa (Bubalus quarlesi). Lowland Anoa has a white color on the metacarpal, a long tail reaching the knees, hair less frequently in adult individuals, cross the base of the horns 'triangular or triangular' and there is 'wrinkled' or in the form of a spiral on the base until the mid-long horn, long horn 27.1 to 37.3 cm in males and 183-260 mm anoa on female anoa; skull length from 29.8 to 32.2 cm in males and 290-300 mm in females.
Anoa Mountain has the same color with the color of the body limbs, short tail, did not reach the knee, circular pieces round the base of the tail, there is no 'wrinkled' or ring lines at half the length of the horn, the horn length ranged from 14.6 to 19.9 cm, and 24.4 to 29 cm long skull. Anoa Mountain has bright brown hair, there is a small white spot at the top of the nail, long hair, soft and resemble wool, short tail, approximately 18 cm, rarely reaching more than half the length of the base of the tail to the back of the knee, inner ear dark brown . Shoulder height of 63 cm, and 15-25 cm long horn.
Anoa is even hoofed animals, the shape resembles the head of the cow's head, horns leads to the rear. Height ranges from 69 cm to 106 cm. Currently, there are two types of anoa (Bubalus spp.) As we know, the Lowland Anoa (Bubalus depressicornis) and Mountain Anoa (Bubalus quarlesi). Lowland Anoa has a white color on the metacarpal, a long tail reaching the knees, hair less frequently in adult individuals, cross the base of the horns 'triangular or triangular' and there is 'wrinkled' or in the form of a spiral on the base until the mid-long horn, long horn 27.1 to 37.3 cm in males and 183-260 mm anoa on female anoa; skull length from 29.8 to 32.2 cm in males and 290-300 mm in females.
Anoa Mountain has the same color with the color of the body limbs, short tail, did not reach the knee, circular pieces round the base of the tail, there is no 'wrinkled' or ring lines at half the length of the horn, the horn length ranged from 14.6 to 19.9 cm, and 24.4 to 29 cm long skull. Anoa Mountain has bright brown hair, there is a small white spot at the top of the nail, long hair, soft and resemble wool, short tail, approximately 18 cm, rarely reaching more than half the length of the base of the tail to the back of the knee, inner ear dark brown . Shoulder height of 63 cm, and 15-25 cm long horn.
Scientific classification
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Mammalia
Subclasses: Theria
Infraklas: Metatheria
Order: Artiodactyla
Suborder: Ruminantia
Family: Bovidae
Genus: Bubalus
Subgenus: Anoa
Species: Bubalus depressicornis, Bubalus quarlesi
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Mammalia
Subclasses: Theria
Infraklas: Metatheria
Order: Artiodactyla
Suborder: Ruminantia
Family: Bovidae
Genus: Bubalus
Subgenus: Anoa
Species: Bubalus depressicornis, Bubalus quarlesi
Anoa (Bubalus spp.) Are forest dwellers whose lives move where and when encountering enemies anoa will defend himself plunged into a swamp and when forced to fight by using his horns. Plains habitat in tropical forests, savanna, sometimes found in a swamp. Anoa has a habit of wallowing in the water or soak digenangan forest directly adjacent coastal mangrove forests in the sunlight.
Animals also includes swimmers and climbers resilient, they are often seen to swim beach. Another habit that anoa hone or sharpen horns on certain trees, scratching the ground around the landfill feces along its path in the woods. Animals are active both during the day and at night. Additionally creatures including wildlife are very sensitive, the slightest disturbance causes these animals away.
According to Amir (2008), in a research note (progress report) STORMA, movement Anoa (Bubalus spp) occur in groups or alone, and move from a low to a higher place and vice versa. movement is done to look for food or drink and to rest. This movement generally moves with the radius to 3.5 miles or more. Meanwhile, according to Tikupadang and Misto (1994), Anoa roaming the area studied in the Nature Reserve of 5,000 acres Faruhumpenai Mangkutana.
Anoa (Bubalus spp.) Are forest dwellers whose lives move where and when encountering enemies anoa will defend himself plunged into a swamp and when forced to fight by using his horns. Plains habitat in tropical forests, savanna, sometimes found in a swamp. Anoa has a habit of wallowing in the water or soak digenangan forest directly adjacent coastal mangrove forests in the sunlight.
Animals also includes swimmers and climbers resilient, they are often seen to swim beach. Another habit that anoa hone or sharpen horns on certain trees, scratching the ground around the landfill feces along its path in the woods. Animals are active both during the day and at night. Additionally creatures including wildlife are very sensitive, the slightest disturbance causes these animals away.
According to Amir (2008), in a research note (progress report) STORMA, movement Anoa (Bubalus spp) occur in groups or alone, and move from a low to a higher place and vice versa. movement is done to look for food or drink and to rest. This movement generally moves with the radius to 3.5 miles or more. Meanwhile, according to Tikupadang and Misto (1994), Anoa roaming the area studied in the Nature Reserve of 5,000 acres Faruhumpenai Mangkutana.
In the wild wild Anoa eating "aquatic feed" which include ferns, grass, budding trees, fallen fruit, and the types of tubers. Based on observations Pujaningsih, et al., (2005) and some researchers reported that lowland Anoa sometimes also allegedly drank sea water to meet their mineral needs. In the highlands, Anoa natural salt lick in order to meet the needs of minerals. (Malik et al., 2004; Pujaningsih, 2005).
In the wild wild Anoa eating "aquatic feed" which include ferns, grass, budding trees, fallen fruit, and the types of tubers. Based on observations Pujaningsih, et al., (2005) and some researchers reported that lowland Anoa sometimes also allegedly drank sea water to meet their mineral needs. In the highlands, Anoa natural salt lick in order to meet the needs of minerals. (Malik et al., 2004; Pujaningsih, 2005).
Reproducibility occurred in 2 years to 3 years. Pregnant period of 276 days to 315 days, anoa babies born just one tail. Anoa can survive about 20 years to 25 years. When born, the baby anoa fur is golden brown or yellowish in color and very thick. The color will change gradually becomes darker as it develops (Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia, 2010)
Little data that can be obtained about the population of definite Anoa Mountains. It is now estimated the population of the entire Anoa Mountains about 3000 to 5000 individuals. Its population declined from 1900, this is caused by habitat loss, hunting and illegal shooting. Estimated at less than 2,500 mature individuals tails. The population of anoa is very worrying, because subpopulasinya located in protected forest areas like the Lore Lindu National Park also experienced a decline in population caused by high hunting. There are three areas where the population dropped dramatically anoa, namely in Gorontalo, Buol and Tolitoli district (Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia, 2010)
Anoa is one of the rare wildlife that is protected by the state pursuant to Law No. 5 of 1990 on Conservation of Natural Resources and the Ecosystem and Regulation No. 7 of 1999 on Preservation of Flora and Fauna. Additionally anoa animals entered into the list of CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna) appendix 1 A species that is endangered.
Anoa is one of the rare wildlife that is protected by the state pursuant to Law No. 5 of 1990 on Conservation of Natural Resources and the Ecosystem and Regulation No. 7 of 1999 on Preservation of Flora and Fauna. Additionally anoa animals entered into the list of CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna) appendix 1 A species that is endangered.
Anoa mountains are usually hunted for their skin, meat and horns. Besides clearing of forests for agriculture and gold mining are also increasingly threatened habitat Anoa Mountains, because he lost habitat and source of food, and he can not adjust to human presence.
Sources KSDA South Sulawesi
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